
ONE Month Old Amazon Listing with 75,000+ Reviews?!

This video delves into a deceptive practice being employed by certain Amazon sellers to artificially inflate the number of reviews on their listings. The seller in question has a brand-new listing that is only a month old but boasts an astounding 75,000 reviews, despite having only 3,000 sales according to Helium 10 sales data. This creates an unrealistic review-to-sale ratio, raising suspicions.

Upon closer inspection, it is revealed that the seller is using an unethical method to manipulate the system. They are merging new listings with old, out-of-stock listings that have accumulated a large number of reviews over time. By doing this, the reviews from the old listings appear under the new product, giving the false impression that the new product has an abundance of positive feedback. This tactic violates Amazon’s variation policy and undermines the credibility of the review system.

The video shows examples of similar listings where the same tactic is being used, often by sellers in China. Many of these listings have high review counts but are tied to unrelated products, such as books or DVDs, from older listings. This deceptive strategy results in misleading consumers into purchasing low-quality products with artificially inflated reviews.

The speaker highlights the negative impact of these practices on the trustworthiness of Amazon’s review ecosystem. While Amazon has policies against such activities, enforcement remains inconsistent, allowing some sellers to exploit loopholes.

To understand the full extent of these tactics and see visual examples, check out the video below.